Caledonia Housing Association (CHA), one of Scotland’s largest Registered Social Landlords, has climbed eight places from 25th to 17th in the top 50 Scottish companies to work for.
Best Companies, which involves a comprehensive survey of employee experience, also improved CHA’s position in the top 25 UK housing associations to work for annual awards, being positioned 14th.
Caledonia staff celebrated the results during the organisation’s annual conference held at Dunblane Hydro. The Getting to Know You Better conference brought together 115 colleagues from across Scotland. Staff were welcomed by Chief Executive Julie Cosgrove and members of the Executive Team and Management Board before taking part in engaging personal development and data sessions, with a focus on the organisation’s collective progress and growth plans heading into 2025.
The outcome of the 2024 league table is compiled from prescribed Best Companies surveys and includes a range of questions relating to all aspects of the employee experience. It assesses a comprehensive range of factors including leadership, the quality of management, personal growth, teamwork, giving back, wellbeing and salaries and benefits.
To participate, CHA staff from across Scotland were invited to take part in the surveys.
Julie Cosgrove, Chief Executive, Caledonia Housing Association, said: “The Caledonia staff conference was a great opportunity to reflect on the success of 2024 and how we build for the future. It was especially pleasing for us to mark the year-on-year improvement at the Best Companies awards. Good employee engagement and being a first-class employer is both a strategic goal and a daily focus throughout our operations at CHA and it is especially pleasing that this is the case at a UK-wide level as well as in Scotland. A consistent and strong engagement score in the past two years shows our efforts to develop a workplace where people can thrive and be their best is making a difference, and I want to thank every member of the CHA team for their continued efforts and for their contribution to yet another successful staff conference.”
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