Tenants get keys to new homes in Brechin

Kiana GreenanCaledonia Housing Association

Caledonia Housing Association has welcomed tenants to new homes in Brechin, Angus. The development at Brechin West was a collaboration with Angus Council and Scotia Homes
to repurpose homes for social housing that were originally destined for the private market.

Retirement Tenants Celebrate Digital Participation Achievements

Retirement Tenants Celebrate Digital Participation Achievements

Declan BarbourCaledonia Housing Association

Caledonia Housing Association’s tenants in Perth have been marking their first year as Digital Champions.

With support from Caledonia staff, 34 tenants from Bowerswell retirement scheme applied for and secured over £3,000 of funding from Connecting Scotland and Perth & Kinross Council which allowed the group to purchase equipment including smart devices, a TV, and a camera and microphone to hold online meetings.